Resizing by Symmetry-Summarization

Huisi Wu         Yu-Shuen Wang         Kun-Chuan Feng         Tien-Tsin Wong         Tong-Yee Lee         Pheng-Ann Heng        

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 issue), Vol. 29, No. 6, December 2010, pp. 159:1-159:9.



Image resizing can be achieved more effectively if we have a better understanding of the image semantics. In this paper, we analyze the  translational symmetry, which exists in many real-world images. By detecting the symmetric lattice in an image, we can summarize, instead of only distorting or cropping, the image content. This opens a new space for image resizing that allows us to manipulate, not only image pixels, but also the semantic cells in the lattice. As a general image contains both symmetry & non-symmetry regions and their natures are different, we propose to resize symmetry regions by summarization and non-symmetry region by warping. The difference in resizing strategy induces discontinuity at their shared boundary. We demonstrate how to reduce the artifact. To achieve practical resizing applications for general images, we developed a fast symmetry detection method that can detect multiple disjoint symmetry regions, even when the lattices are curved and perspectively viewed. Comparisons to state-of-the-art resizing techniques and a user study were conducted to validate the proposed method. Convincing visual results are shown to demonstrate its effectiveness.




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    author   = {Huisi Wu and Yu-Shuen Wang and Kun-Chuan Feng and
                Tien-Tsin Wong and Tong-Yee Lee and Pheng-Ann Heng
    title    = {Resizing by Symmetry-Summarization},
    journal  = {ACM Transactions on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 issue)},
    month    = {December},
    year     = {2010},
    volume   = {29},
    number   = {6},
    pages    = {159:1-159:9},

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