Image-based Rendering with Controllable Illumination
Tien-Tsin Wong , Pheng-Ann Heng , Siu-Hang Or and Wai-Yin Ng ,
in Proceedings of the 8-th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, St. Etienne, France, June 1997, pp 13-22.Abstract
- This paper discusses a new image-based rendering method, based on the light field and Lumigraph system, which allows illumination to be changed interactively. Although our approach does not try to recover or use any geometrical information (e.g. depth or surface normal) to calculate the illumination, the resulting images are physically correct.
- The scene is first sampled from different view points and under different illuminations. By treating each pixel on the back plane of the light slab as a surface element, the sampled images are used to measure the apparent BRDF of each surface element. The tabular BRDF data of each pixel is further transformed to the spherical harmonics domain for efficient storage. Whenever the user changes the illumination setting, a certain number of views are reconstructed. The correct user perspective view is then displayed using the texture mapping technique of the Lumigraph system. Then, the intensity, the type and the number of the light sources can be manipulated interactively.
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The following movies demonstrate the reconstructed results of an image-based scene illuminated by different types of light sources.
Illuminated by a directional source. Illuminated by a point light source. Related Publications
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(This paper received the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award 2005.)