Compression of Illumination-Adjustable Images
Tien-Tsin Wong and Chi-Sing Leung
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (special issue on Image-based Modeling, Rendering and Animation), Vol. 13, No. 11, November 2003, pp. 1107-1118.Abstract
- The image-based modeling and rendering (IBMR) approaches allow the time complexity of synthesizing novel images to be independent of scene complexity. Unfortunately, illumination control (relighting) is no longer trivial under the image-based framework. To relight the image-based scenery, the scene must be captured under various illumination conditions. This drastically increases the data volume. Hence, data compression is a must. In this paper, we describe a compression algorithm for an illumination-adjustable image representation. We focus on compressing constant-viewpoint images. A divide-and-conquer approach is proposed. The compression algorithm consists of three parts which exploit the intra-pixel, inter-pixel and inter-channel data correlations. Experimental result shows that the proposed method not just effectively compresses the data but also out-performs standard image and video coding methods.
Image-based Relighting from Compressed Data
- panoshader demo 1.0
Demonstrating the ability of real-time relighting from highly compressed image-based data.- panoview demo 1.0
An earlier relighting demo with interactive rate, also from highly compressed image-based data.
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- Acrobat: plenwave.pdf (4.37MB)
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(This paper received the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award 2005.)
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